Posted in Ordinarylife

and it’s not even Spring

I decided that my wardrobes needed a bit of a clean out and I was ruthless – or at least I was initially till I repacked some stuff…Baby steps! 

I did manage to throw out (donate) some stuff that I probably should have thrown out years ago but didn’t because I don’t have anything else to wear  Like pyjama’s – the reason I don’t have anything else to wear is because I never buy new ones. I know I have the old ones at the back of my wardrobe so why spend the money?

Now I tried the other way around.  I got rid of the old so now I need to buy new stuff.  Yay, new PJ’s here we come.  Although knowing me I will still be sleeping in my knickers and an old t-shirt (one of the few I rescued) for the next year or so. 

I hate shopping!

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