Posted in Charity, hiking, Hiking Trails, Ordinarylife, Port Elizabeth, Running, South Africa, Trail Running, Training, Training

The Rhino Run 2013

On Sunday there were various Rhino Runs held around the country and there were 2 to choose from in our area. One at Kenton-on-Sea and the other at Crossways Village near Van Standens. I did that one. It was a lot closer to town, and I love that area.

(Its an annual event – so next year why not find one in your area.

Photo by Willi Lawson
Photo by Willi Lawson

As you know, I have not been running much lately, my furthest run as been 11km so I was not really sure what distance I should enter. There was a 6km, a 12 km and a 20km. As I have the Dryland coming up in November and I really need to get some distance in I chose the 20km. Yikes!!! But it was fine. Or at least it was fun up until my Garmin said I had already done 20km then my mind said I needed to stop. Those last 1.8km were tough!!!

The view from the top
The view from the top

All in all though it was a stunning race – tough but stunning. You know you are not out for a walk in the park when at the race briefing they say “and then you run around and up the back, over the top then down the front of Lady’s Slipper Mountain to the finish”! When “hilly course” and “over the mountain” are mentioned in the same race briefing you know you are in for some fun!!!

Photo by Willi Lawson
Photo by Willi Lawson

You see the “hill” behind me…. Yip, I had just run over it! (this was also at the 20km and the legs fell off in about 5 steps from here……)  EDIT: I think this might be the first photo of me EVER where both feet are off the ground at the same time and I actually look like I am doing something resembling running!

I managed it in just under 3 hours and was extremely happy with that time (I even stopped and took a couple of photos). Even if I had been training it is pretty much what I would have expected. In fact it is a lot better than some of my runs of a similar distance. I am now very excited for the Dryland – I know I need to work on hills a bit more but my foot gave me no hassles when I was running and I am loving my new trail shoes – (Innov8)

13 thoughts on “The Rhino Run 2013

  1. I love a totally air borne pick! Amazing scenery and that mountain looks insane but you must have felt like you were running on top of the world. Congrats on pushing yourself to do the distance even though your training runs had been shorter lately. I love the just jump in and do it attitude. Keeps running fun. :=)

    1. I always see others with these airborne pics and I look like I am plodding along. So happy to see I sometimes do actually look like I run. I do have a tendency to just jump in. But know if I go slowly I should be ok. I like distance…..

    1. Thankfully my foot was absolutely fine and has not hurt in the days following either. The same can not be said for my muscles though – I am rather stiff.

      How are you doing??

  2. I think I’m going to stop saying that I need to start running again. I’m struggling to find the time and energy at the moment. Worked just about non stop the whole September so didn’t get close to even thinking of running. Next year I’m doing the rhino run!

    1. Thank you. I need to give you a call when you get back. I have some thing for you. I hope you are enjoying your break

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