Posted in Ordinarylife

I’m back!

Did you miss me??? 

I can’t believe how quickly the past two weeks have flown.  What is that saying about time flying when you are having fun… So true. 

So what did I get up to – the simple answer NOTHING and it was fantastic.  We went to visit the in-laws for a  few days in East London and other than that we did not do very much at all, just hung around at home.  The perfect holiday. 

I hope you all had a good, safe and merry Christmas and New Year and I will try and catch up on your blogs shortly. 

Other than that, I am now 33 weeks pregnant and can now say I am going to have a baby NEXT MONTH!!  Went to the doc today and all is well!

6 thoughts on “I’m back!

  1. Yay you’re back. Blog land was far too quiet for my liking these last couple of weeks!

    Can’t believe your baby is due next month – wow time flies.

    Glad you had a chilled holiday – that’s the perfect way to end a year.

  2. Thanks all.

    And Hanlie – I don’t think so…… I think I have most of the stuff necessary but whether or not I am ready is another story!!!

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