Posted in Books, Kindle, Ordinarylife

How do you read?

Book Club Blog asked the question “How do you read”.  I thought it was an interesting question and as my comment was getting a bit long I decided to post it instead.

Here are my answers.

How do you organise your books?

I don’t organise my books.  I have all kitchen and gardening related books in a kitchen cupboard and all my other books in a cupboard in the bedroom.  We don’t have book shelves as I like stand-alone ones and Mr OL likes built in ones so until we agree the books are still in a cupboard.  I also generally only keep books that I have really enjoyed and all my non-fiction or reference books.  The rest I give away or resell.  books I am busy reading are next to my bed.  The books on my Kindle are filed under unread or read.
Do you prefer series books or standalone books?

I like both, but prefer only starting a series when all the books have been release.  I hate having to wait for the next in the series – like I am having to do with the latest Ken Follett series. Fall of Giants (book 2 has only just been released and I cant wait to start it.)
Do you have a favorite time of day and/or place to read?

I can read whenever, but since Little OL has been born I need to follow her schedule and I usually read at night once she has gone down to sleep. This is a problem because I can get very wrapped up in a book and it has been know that I look up and the sun is already coming up.  Not good when you need to get up for a toddler and work.  I also read at the hairdressers, in queues, in the car while Mr OL is driving or anywhere else I can get a few moments.
Are you the type of person that only reads one book at a time or can
you read more than one at a time?

I can read more than one, but if I am doing that then it is generally books that I am not that into.  If I find one I really like I will read it till it is finished.
What is the last book you bought?

Ken Follett – Winter of the World (Book 2 in the “Fall of Giants” trilogy)
What are you currently reading?

One of my friends has just given me Fifty Shades of Grey and insisted that I read it.  I have humoured her and am now on Chapter 6.  I don’t think I will be going any further.

If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop to look it up right away?

It depends, in a “normal” book I don’t, but if I am reading on my Kindle I do as it is instant.  You just take the cursor to the word and it gives you the meaning.  It is one of the (many) functions I love.

Do you snack while you read? If so, favorite reading snack?

Generally I don’t.  Normally I am lying in bed thinking “just one more page”

5 thoughts on “How do you read?

  1. I also keep only the books I love…and only loan them out to people who return (you get to know who they are). My DH built me an awesome bookshelf from scaffold planks and it stands in a corner of my study/craft room. Like you I also have to read “one more page” and then put of the light. I can’t put a good book down. I am still a paper book girl and haven’t moved on to a Kindle.

  2. I think all book lovers do the just one page thing. And if a book is captivating then one more can turn into hundred and before you know it, it is almost morning (SIGH).

    Interesting you plan to stop reading the 50 Shades book, I have not even being able to pick it up. Just does not seem like my kind of book. And I have seen people reading it on the train in the morning but making a very conscious effort to hide what they are reading. That kind of sealed the deal for me on that book series. I would not be adding it to the list of books I have read anytime soon 😉

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