Posted in Art, Ordinarylife, Sketches, Trail Running

An update – on my foot

It’s been 7 weeks to the day since I last ran – SEVEN WEEKS!!!!!  I am grumpy, I am miserable and I am generally not pleasant to be around….  Hmmmm, this might explain why Mr OL is in East London at the moment – (Honey – it is for work right???)  [Side note: he does not actually read my blog so I am not expecting an answer]

I keep getting asked how my foot is doing and the truth is that I have NO IDEA.  It was ever only sore after I had run 10km and then only if I went up a hill.  It then stayed sore for 5 days but after that it was back to normal until I did a similar run.  So, without going and testing it on a 10km run ending in an uphill I am unable to give you an answer.  I am hoping good!  I am hoping that it has healed and I am hoping that from next week Thursday (I am going to give it 8 weeks to be on the safe side) I will be able to run pain free again.

There are however a few good things that have come from this… In the past two weeks I have been allowed to use the stair master at the gym.  Owww, owww, owww!  The first day I could only manage 5 minutes before I needed to stop and walk around.  I then went back and did another 5 minutes but it was tough!!!! I can now do 15 minutes at level 10 without stopping.  I am sure that this will help with the Dryland Traverse where I have heard it is impossible to run in some places as you are too busy climbing up a goat track.  I have also been given exercises to try and improve the strength of my glutes – apparently I don’t use my butt enough when I run and so am putting more pressure or strain on my leg muscles, which in turn pulls on my feet.  I went for a gait analysis to try and avoid a similar injury in the future.

So, from next week I will slowly start running again (avoiding hills initially) and then finally hit the trails again.  At least there is another life drawing session on Saturday so that will keep me entertained and out of mischief.


For those that can run and are interested in trail running there are 2 really nice trail runs coming up – a 30km called the Brak River Run at Hopewell estate this weekend and a 22km next weekend at Woodridge. There are shorter distances too if those are too intimidating.