Posted in Baby OL, Children, Comrades Marathon, Crafts, Family, Gardening, Medal Hangers, My New Business, Running, SA Medal Hangers, Trail Running, Two Oceans

An update…… (Yes really)

After a bit of “encouragement” from some fellow blogging friends, I have decided to update my blog.

I have no excuses except life and a new business got in the way.  I love blogging and stopping was not intentional.  I used to blog during working hours (my lunch break if any of my ex bosses are reading…..) and now that I am at home I don’t get that opportunity.

So, here are few things that have happened over the past couple of months

  • Business is going well and I LOVE working from home.  I am finding it a lot more stressful, and I am a lot busier than I was when I worked a full day.  I am not exactly sure how that works but I seemed to be able to fit more in back then.
  • I ran Two Oceans Ultra Marathon and LOVED IT!  It was tough, I was not sure I would finish at about the 15km mark but as soon as I got passed halfway I started to enjoy it.  I fell over one of the stupid cat’s eyes in the road but I think it might just have been the shot of adrenaline I needed.  Even though I hurt my hip, shoulder and elbow I had no grazes which was lucky.  I just wanted to finish under the 7 hour cut off and I did 6h53 so was very happy.
Halfway! With my running partners.


  • I am travelling more.  I should probably just say I am travelling.  More implies I did a little bit before.  I didn’t.  Now I do.  I am going to all the large sports expo’s around the country and having great fun.  My mom came with me to Durban for the Comrades expo and it was awesome.  It is so nice to meet up with so many people that I have only previously “met” via my Blog, Twitter or Facebook.  I will be coming up to Johannesburg again in November so hopefully I can make a plan and meet up with a few people when there.
  • Myself, and pretty much the rest of South Africa seem to be following a lower carb diet.  I dropped sugar from my tea and coffee about 2 years ago and am now consciously trying to eat less carbs.  Through this, I have realised that wheat and me don’t work well together.  It has been a very interesting experiment of one (me).  I started following the LCHF way of eating in January and have lost 8kg since then, although weight loss was not my primary reason.  I had not been feeling great for a while and although I did not realise it, I was having digestive issues.  By removing most carbs from my diet and then by reintroducing them (cheating) at various stages I noticed that I felt really awful after some things but perfectly fine after others.  I am still doing the LCHF thing unless Mr OL makes mash potatoes.  He makes great mash.


Then a few random things:

  • I still love trail running and my sister and I have entered the Dryland Traverse again – this time as a team. I am so glad its trail running season again.
  • I have decided after 42 years of not liking the look of succulent plants I want a succulent garden…… I went to a wedding and they had succulents as centre pieces and it looked amazing.  I have been collecting plants from various places so will keep you updated.
  • I want to learn how to crochet again…. I learnt at primary school but have not done any since.
  • Little OL is growing – and 4 is a gorgeous age (so much better than 3)

I must be getting old – succulent plants and crocheted items alway makes me think of old people – yikes

Posted in Baby OL, Baking, Children, Children's Parties, Crafts, Family, Food, Ordinarylife, Parenting

Airlines and Teddy Bears – a 4th Birthday party

And just like that she was 4!

I know parents say this all the time but wow. Time really does fly.

When we first started discussing themes for her 4th party, Little OL was very into aeroplanes so I began the planning early.  Unfortunately she saw the photos of her 2nd birthday party (teddy bears picnic) and said she wanted teddy bears again.  As I had already organised some of the stuff (and really wanted to do aeroplanes) we compromised.  I put teddy bears in the aeroplanes…. It worked quite well.

So, the theme of her party was and Airline theme (with teddy bears as the pilots)  Here are a few photos

I created the invitation using a template  I found HERE.  I also made the cover, but forgot to take a photo of that.  I created the logo on Inkscape, using an image from HERE

Boarding Pass Invitation

I think just Goggled and checked Pinterest for the rest of the ideas. Here is the link to my Pinterest Board.


Baggage Claim
Baggage Claim

I really wanted those old fashioned brown cardboard school suitcases that we used to have and thought I might find some when the “back to school” stuff was out, but no joy.  In the end I found this little lunch boxes and fortunately in the colours I wanted so I bought them.  (Pick n Pay)


Cupcakes with marshmallow clouds
Cupcakes with marshmallow clouds

The cupcakes were a disaster, but thank fully with the icing and the best out of 5 batches I managed to get enough.


Cake with Teddy Pilot
Cake with Teddy Pilot

The cake went a lot better – I used my favourite cake recipe, the Rainbow cake from the Whisk Kid, but only used shades of pink this time (once again, I forgot to take a photo of the inside).


Aeroplane Cookies
Aeroplane Cookies

I also made teddy bear biscuits to go alongside the planes, but Little OL ate them before the party……

Delicious Aeroplane food....
Delicious Aeroplane food….


For the adults Mr OL made some awesome sandwiches.  We did Chicken or Beef , poor  Mr OL kept asking if he couldn’t do some salami or ham etc and I insisted it had to be Chicken or Beef…. LOL.  I did do a few vegetarians ones though.

I made a few different signs and added in a few extra elements, like globes, Captain’s hat etc and all in all I am very happy with how the party turned out but, there are a few things I have decided.  From now on we will not be having the party at home. As the kids get older they need more entertainment (and space) and I will also be outsourcing some stuff.  I will not be making cupcakes etc next year.  I probably won’t bake the cake either, although I might make the topper (I enjoy that part)


Posted in Art, Baby OL, Baking, Children, Children's Parties, Family, My Art Work, Ordinarylife, Paintings, Parenting

A party planning compromise

So my brainwashing plans are not working so well……
It is 4 (and a half) months to go before Little OL turns 4 and she has decided that she no long wants an airplane party! Hmph…… That is itself is not too much of a problem. I am adaptable (kind off) but she wants a Teddy Bear party!!! She’s had a Teddy Bear party! Her second Birthday Party was a Teddy Bear’s Picnic party.



I guess I should be flattered – she liked it so much she wants it again! But somehow I suspect it is less to do with her remembering her party and more to do with the fact that Door Stop (her teddy bear) never leaves her side.


In the background is a work in progress painting of Little OL and Door Stop, from a photo taken just before she turned 2.

So it looks like we are going to compromise, a Teddy Bear in Airplane Party it is going to be (for now at least).  Very cute idea actually. I have started pinning stuff.

Posted in 30 Days of Gratitude, Art, Baby OL, Baking, Children, Family, Ironman, Ironman 70.3, Medal Displays, Medal Hangers, My Art Work, My New Business, Ordinarylife, Paintings, Parenting, Running, Sketches, Trail Running, Training

Happy 5 year Blog Anniversary!

I have had this blog for 5 years – wow time has flown.  Before I started here I had an iBlog account for a short while as well.

Over the years my blog has changed quite bit.  It has gone from being mostly about Ironman training to a real mix up of stuff, Ordinary Life stuff!  I have had a baby, I have started baking and icing cookies, I have shown you all some of my paintings and sketches, I have started a new business – SA Medal Hangers.  And very importantly I have made some great friends!

Thank you all so much for joining me on this journey, I am thoroughly enjoying it!

Here is the link to my first post – published on the 1st September 2008

Posted in Art, Charcoal Drawings, My Art Work, Sketches

Life Drawing

I once again attended a life drawing session at Art on Target in Target Kloof. They generally hold them once a month and get a different model to pose each time. This time they got their gardern to do it – a wonderful gentleman in his 60’s with lovely features.  It was apprently his first time posing and he did very well.


In one of the drawings I tried to focus mainly on his face, but he tended to look around the room a bit and although he probably thought he was only moving is eyes it did change the look – the next few drawigns I stuck mainly to his body.

We started with 3 minute poses, then a couple of 15 minutes, 30 minutes and ended off with 1 60 minutes session.  I love doing this and will definitly try again.  I probably would not have done these had it not been for the fact that I am unable to run (hopefully that changes this week)

Here are some of my drawings – these are all done in charcoal.








Posted in Art, Ordinarylife, Sketches, Trail Running

An update – on my foot

It’s been 7 weeks to the day since I last ran – SEVEN WEEKS!!!!!  I am grumpy, I am miserable and I am generally not pleasant to be around….  Hmmmm, this might explain why Mr OL is in East London at the moment – (Honey – it is for work right???)  [Side note: he does not actually read my blog so I am not expecting an answer]

I keep getting asked how my foot is doing and the truth is that I have NO IDEA.  It was ever only sore after I had run 10km and then only if I went up a hill.  It then stayed sore for 5 days but after that it was back to normal until I did a similar run.  So, without going and testing it on a 10km run ending in an uphill I am unable to give you an answer.  I am hoping good!  I am hoping that it has healed and I am hoping that from next week Thursday (I am going to give it 8 weeks to be on the safe side) I will be able to run pain free again.

There are however a few good things that have come from this… In the past two weeks I have been allowed to use the stair master at the gym.  Owww, owww, owww!  The first day I could only manage 5 minutes before I needed to stop and walk around.  I then went back and did another 5 minutes but it was tough!!!! I can now do 15 minutes at level 10 without stopping.  I am sure that this will help with the Dryland Traverse where I have heard it is impossible to run in some places as you are too busy climbing up a goat track.  I have also been given exercises to try and improve the strength of my glutes – apparently I don’t use my butt enough when I run and so am putting more pressure or strain on my leg muscles, which in turn pulls on my feet.  I went for a gait analysis to try and avoid a similar injury in the future.

So, from next week I will slowly start running again (avoiding hills initially) and then finally hit the trails again.  At least there is another life drawing session on Saturday so that will keep me entertained and out of mischief.


For those that can run and are interested in trail running there are 2 really nice trail runs coming up – a 30km called the Brak River Run at Hopewell estate this weekend and a 22km next weekend at Woodridge. There are shorter distances too if those are too intimidating.


Posted in Art, Food, Knysna, My sketchbook, Ordinarylife, Running

My weekend

My weekend away was fantastic and exactly what I needed.

I ate

I chilled,

I ate some more

I went shopping at a farmers market (for food)  If you are ever in the Garden Route on a Saturday morning head to the Wild Oats Farmer’s Market outside Sedgefield!  LOVE IT!

I ate even more

And I even drew a little while everyone else was running.


It was quite weird to sit and draw in a really crowded area.  I have not done this in a while and at first was a bit nervous but soon blocked out all the people around me and just concentrated.  At one point a man behind me did call over his kids to come and have a look but I was too scared to turn around and speak to them, so I just pretended I hear nothing……..  They where very respectful and quiet and I am not sure how long they were there.  Once I concentrate on something I do tend to block out the world.  This I really needed to concentrate on as the people kept moving…….



I might never run the Knysna Marathon again, this was so much fun… (just kidding)  I did miss the fact that I was not running.

Posted in Art, Baby OL, Family, Sketches, South Africa

All by myself……. I don’t wanna be all by myself

Well okay I do but just for the weekend…..

I seem to have gotten over my guilt about going away for the weekend – ALONE! And am now just extremely excited.  Did I mention I am going ALONE?  All by myself?  Well, my mom, brother, sister, their respective partners, sister-in-law and a whole bunch of other friends are also going but we are not going together.

It is the Knysna Oyster Festival and although I am not running I know quite a few people who are – and they are welcome to it.  I have totally gotten over my disappointment at not being able to run and have decided to hit the art galleries, the quaint shops, the markets, the coffee shops and the oysters!  All by myself!  Did I mention I am going ALONE!  To do all the stuff that I love to do, without any time constraints.  Or quite possibly to do none of it.  It is actually really sad how excited I am that I can spend time on my own.  Just me, myself and I cruising around at my own pace, possibly taking a few photos, possibly sitting down and sketching, possibly spending an entire day in a coffee shop.  Possibly not even leaving the guest house.  Who knows…..

I think I have previously mentioned that I traveled around the world, sometimes with company but most of the time on my own.  I have no problem being on my own but it has been a while.  So to that end, no I am not sharing a lift.  I want my own car, to do things at my own pace.  But at least I know that if I get bored (or horrified) at my own company I will have loads of friends and family very close.  I just hope that they don’t get offended if I decide that I don’t want to see too much of them.

I have also organised 3G for my tablet so will be able to Skype Little OL.

Posted in Art, Baby OL, Family, My New Business, Ordinarylife, Parenting, Running, Sketches, Tenants, Trail Running, Training, Training, Women

A quick catch up

My poor blog – so neglected…..

I start a post in my mind and then stop.  Too much information, too boring, said already or whatever the reason the thought gets ditched.

So, I am writing this one, one not thought out ahead of time.  I have nothing much to say but so what…. Here is a basic update of what is happening in my Ordinary Life.

  • I am still doing the Art Techniques course through and loving it.  I don’t feel that I always have enough time to do the art project but you only are required to do 2 to pass and I have already done two, so am not too concerned if I miss a week here or there.  I am just completing all the theory quizzes and that will be enough.  Here is a picture I drew (the London taxi) for one of the assignments, the topic was “Mail Art”

Mail Art

  • I am driving Mr OL batty with thoughts of trying to start (another) business.  I constantly have ideas in my head but generally they don’t get much further than the planning stages
  • I bought another property – think I already mentioned this – and have since found out that the tenants that I was led to believe were “good” have not paid rent in 5 months.  I am hoping that the current owner gets rid of them before I take over.  I am sure that it is a breach of contract or something if he said that they were paying when I signed for it but they were not???  Any ideas?
  • My foot is …. I am actually not sure.  All I do know is that I still can’t run.  I am going to take 6 weeks off and then hope for the best.  We do know that there is no muscle damage, no tendonitis, no ligament damage and nothing else that can be seen in x-rays or an ultra-sound.  These however do not rule out a stress fracture.  In the meantime I am going to go for Gait Analysis because something I am doing has caused this.  I am also going for massages (yay) and to the chiropractor who is doing dry needling as my muscles in my legs are in knots.  I am hoping that this all makes me stronger. I am also trying to stretch in.  I really need to get in the pool and on my bicycle…..
  • I am having a serious case of “mommy guilt” at the moment.  Next weekend I was due to go to the Knysna Oyster Festival to run the HoutKapper Trail… Mr and Little OL were going to stay behind in PE.  Now obviously the running is out – however I have already sorted out my accommodation….. So…….  A weekend away sans husband and kiddy????  I am going to go but why do I feel so guilty about going away by myself for the weekend?  My mom, brother, sister and a multitude of my friends are all going, Mr OL does not want to go….urgh!  Would you feel guilty?

Wow, for a post that I did not think about I sure had a lot to write.

Oh, yes – MR OL surprised me with an Asus Transformer – well, he actually surprised me by asking if I would like an iPad Mini – I said no.  After he got over the initial shock I explained why.  So he helped me get the Transformer instead.  I LOVE IT!

Posted in Art, My Art Work, Ordinarylife, Paintings

Paint the Town Red – Painting

I have been drawing and painting quite a bit lately and love it.  One of my friends requested a large painting for her lounge, saying she wanted a city scape.

I got all excited and downloaded a few pictures to see what she liked and thankfully we had similar ideas.  We both like the same two, one quite abstract and one quite a bit more realistic.  I suggested that I try to combine the two and change the colours a bit to suit her room.  She was game.

This is the result and I am very happy with it.  (So is she, which is probably more important)

Paint the Town Red
Paint the Town Red


Her lounge wall is red so this works very well.  Here is a photo of it in place.

Paint the Town Red - in place
Paint the Town Red – in place

This one also gives you more of an idea of the size.

It is acrylic paint on canvas.  Each canvas is 50cm by 100cm, meaning that the entire painting is 150cm (wide) x 100cm (tall)