Posted in Art, Charcoal Drawings, My Art Work, Sketches

Life Drawing

I once again attended a life drawing session at Art on Target in Target Kloof. They generally hold them once a month and get a different model to pose each time. This time they got their gardern to do it – a wonderful gentleman in his 60’s with lovely features.  It was apprently his first time posing and he did very well.


In one of the drawings I tried to focus mainly on his face, but he tended to look around the room a bit and although he probably thought he was only moving is eyes it did change the look – the next few drawigns I stuck mainly to his body.

We started with 3 minute poses, then a couple of 15 minutes, 30 minutes and ended off with 1 60 minutes session.  I love doing this and will definitly try again.  I probably would not have done these had it not been for the fact that I am unable to run (hopefully that changes this week)

Here are some of my drawings – these are all done in charcoal.








20 thoughts on “Life Drawing

    1. oh pleeease…… I am sure yours are very good. And it was not quite effortless – there was a lot of reworking

    1. Thank you. Not quite as impressive as yours (which are amazing by the way) but I am very happy with them.

      1. that is very true! It happens with most things I think – don’t value our own as much as we should.

    1. I miss you guys too – hopefully I will get back into it shortly, but will need to take time to build up to 10kms again.

  1. I am so impressed. I can’t even draw a straight line. I started with an art journal this weekend…depending on how it goes I might share my attempts next week 😛

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