Posted in Family, Ordinarylife

Put me out my misery!

Very frustrating!!


I have a song stuck in my mind, but I don’t know which song.  And I can’t Google it because I just have the melody, and every time I try to think of what the words are I come up with different ones, and I can’t hum it to anybody – well because I can’t hum.  Or sing or carry a tune of any variety so it just would sound like a drone.


And the words that are in my head just don’t make sense so I am sure that they are wrong – all of them.


The thing is that I really like the song (when it is not in my head) and would like to see if the rest of their CD is the same.  But who the heck are they.


So if anyone know a song that has as strong drum beat that is played on radio quite often at the moment please put me out my misery.


I think the drums are the kind that you can hit on either side. Jamaican or African or something like that, not the modern sounding ones.