Posted in Cycling, Ironman, Ocean Racing Series, Ordinarylife, Training, Triathlon

Nearly a week???

I can’t believe that I have been on holiday for nearly a week – time has flown. In fact how on earth do I ever fit work in as well???

So have I been sticking to my holiday plans of long swim, cycles and runs? The short answer – no. I have been sticking (mostly) to my program and have done few extra but not nearly what I thought I would be doing. Other stuff just seems to get in the way. I suppose spending 2 hours yesterday in the Post Office trying to get my car licensed did not help, it was necessary though as my disc expired at the end of November.

I have ridden my new bike quite a few times and it is AWESOME!!!!!!!!  I love it. My average speed has gone up and I am a happy little girl!  I have also been for a couple of sea swims and swam 2km in the Ocean Race Series on Sunday.  We could not have hoped for a flatter sea and it was really great.  It was quite clear, but thankfully not clear enought that I could see the bottom.  If there was anything there I did not know about it.

My plans for today – well I have written a holiday to-do list and am slowly working my way through it. The plan for today??? First a long run, then START that Christmas shopping! I have been avoiding the shops, but can only do that for so long.  I suppose the longer I leave it the busier they will get as well.

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