Posted in Cycling, Duathlon, Family, Ordinarylife, Port Elizabeth, Running

A first and a last!

This weekend had a first and a last!

On Sunday I did my FIRST ever Duathlon!  And I came?  Yip you guessed it …. LAST!  I am not talking last placed lady or last placed in my age group, although I did that too.  I am talking dead cold stone LAST in the entire race. 

There are a few positives though.  Firstly; I did come first in my age group and finished 3rd lady over all (yes only 3 ladies took part).  Another positive is that I did it in under the 3 hours I was hoping for.  Those other ladies are FLIPPEN quick.  My time was 2 hours 46 minutes and 9 seconds.  Although I know on the run each lap was only 2.4km and not 2.5 and I think the bike was bit shorter too.  It was pretty tough, but I have realized that I am most definitely a multi sport athlete. 

The day before I did the Spar Ladies 10km race.  All I kept thinking was I wish I had been able to ride or swim too.  But I enjoyed it, and I did my best 10km time EVER!  Unfortunately my mom was still “faking” an injury so I will never know if I could have beaten her.  I think I did it quicker than she has ever, but I am sure that if she had seen me over taking her she would have picked up the pace; nothing like a bit of healthy competition from your daughter.  My time for the 10km was 53minutes 18 seconds.  I am getting quicker.  Last year I took over 10 minutes longer for the same race. 

All this might explain why I was a bit emotional when watching TV on Sunday night.  I was (to put it politely) buggered!  But happy. 

This weekend I have a half marathon.  It should be fun.  It is a nice one, along the coast so pretty flat.

If you want to have a look at a few photo’s of the Spar Ladies race have a look at Port Elizabeth Daily Photos  and Firefly’s Photo Files.

5 thoughts on “A first and a last!

  1. We drove down to Willows on Sunday morning and saw some of the participents go by. I was actually wondering if you were taking part.

    Thanks for the punt on the Spar Ladies Race posts. Next year I may actually do the dress up thing and take part in drag… or not, Who knows.

  2. Hanlie – I thought I best keep it going, I am at my fittest I have ever been and if I stop I am worried I won’t start again.
    FF – Pleasure, and you probably did not see me. As I said I was last! Last one on the bike, last one off the bike to start running again, and last at the finish line. I had fun though, which is most important (at least in my opinion)

  3. Emil – Well I was told somewhere that if you want to be remembered you needed to come first or last. So it was a memorable race – and yes, first but from the other side. I makes looking up my race results easy. I just start at the bottom and there I am…

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