Posted in 30 Days of Gratitude, Cycling, Family, Ocean Racing Series, Ordinarylife, Plettenberg Bay, Port Elizabeth, Swimming, Training, Triathlon, Wetsuit

A long fantastic weekend.

I am happy!  I am not sure if it is because I am training lots, if it is because I hired a life coach and I am seeing the results, if it is because of the 30 Days of Gratitude, if it is because it is summer or most probably a combination of all of these but whatever it is long may it continue!

This weekend definitely added to my “happiness” feelings.  A while back I decided to take Friday off.  I could not get my regular hair appointment; the only one available was during working hours, I booked it anyway.  After I booked it I was wondering how to go about getting the time off and then decided to take the whole day and do a total pamper spoil day, something I have never done before so I booked myself a pedicure and massage as well.  Ahhhh – the joys.  My biggest problem was ensuring I kept my toenails (running and toenails are not good friends).  The day was awesome – not that I will have much leave left after January, but this is something I will do again.

Then on Saturday the OL family took a trip to Plett for breakfast.  A really good friend and her family was visiting from the UK so we met them at the Beacon Isle Hotel.  It was stunning – we ate breakfast and then headed to the pool for the rest of the morning.  I could have stayed there for quite a while longer.  We used to go to Plett often growing up and it is one of my favourite places – definitely a “happy place”.  The last time I was there was when I was pregnant and we went to see the same friend.  Between us we now have an extra kid each.  But it was still like we saw each other not so long ago – I miss her.  You can see photos from the last time we where there over HERE.

Beacon Isle Hotel
Beacon Isle Hotel
The 2 "new kids"
The 2 “new kids”


Enough photos mom!
Enough photos mom!

On Sunday morning I met a friend at Hobie Beach for a quick ride before we took part in the Ocean Race Series swim.  It was my first Ocean Race Series swim of this season and I was reasonably happy with the results.  It was supposed to be 1 km, but according to my Garmin it was about 1.53km (some of this extra was probably down to my zig-zagging but not all) and I did it in 29 minutes.  If I swim that pace in East London at the 70.3 I will be fine.

All this beach, sea, sand, pools and sun has got me feeling like it is summer holidays.  One more week of work.  I cannot wait!!!

Posted in Baby OL, Family, Ordinarylife, Port Elizabeth

My swim – AWESOME!

My first open water swim in nearly two years was AWESOME!!!!!  I could not have picked a better day for it.  The sea was flat, cool and crystal clear.  I did not go that far but enjoyed what I did.  And my wetsuit still fits, although a bit tighter….. 

The sea was so clear that I even saw fish and rays.  Most of the time I just floated about looking down (thinking shark bait).  I have missed it so much.  Trust me to start at the end of the season again.  Oh well, there are still a few weeks left.

Baby OL at the beach
Posted in Ordinarylife, Swimming, Training, Triathlon, Wetsuit


I am VERY excited!  I am going for a sea swim this afternoon after work.  Mr OL is baby sitting and I am hitting the ocean… Hopefully.  Last time I tried sea was choppy and an Easterly was blowing.  I have not swam in the sea since April 2009 and am not expecting to do that much but seeing as I am doing the swim leg of a triathlon in April for our company I had better put in some practice – even if it is just to see if my wetsuit still fits……

Also, thankfully we live on the Indian Ocean.  I have been watching footage of the Tsunami that struck Japan earlier to day.  What devastation.  My thoughts are with everyone affected and to Bree – stay safe.

Posted in Charity, Family, Food, Ocean Racing Series, Ordinarylife, Port Elizabeth, Swimming, Wetsuit

The Weekend!

I had a great weekend. 

It as fantastic to see my sister again!!!  We spent the whole day Saturday together which was great!  I then “let” her spend Saturday evening with our brother, seeing as he is off on Honeymoon tomorrow so she will not really get to see much of him.  Mr OL and I went out for dinner with friends.  They said if we did not join them we could strike them off the baby sitting list and seeing as they are the only ones on it at the moment we thought we had better go.  Of course that was not the only reason, it was great to see them and they are a really nice couple. 

Sunday I went to the beach and watched the Ocean Racing Series.  It was funny not to be taking part, but I am chicken of swimming in the sea without my wetsuit. When I got down there I really wished I had entered. The sea was beautiful and not cold at all.  I would have managed just fine.  My sister enjoyed it and it was a just a little reminder of what she is missing living in London…. 

On the way home I got caught up in a whole group of motor bikes….  Luckily they were going the opposite direction so I just pulled over and watched.  It was the Toy Run, where the bikers collect toys and then give them to needy children.  I am not sure how many bikes there were but there were a lot!!!  I am not usually a fan of motorbikes but it was amazing to watch and hear.  Click HERE for photos’ of the Cape Town one.   And HERE for photos of the PE one.

After that I went to the Walmer Park Summer Food Festival – Yum!!!  It was pretty good. But then it involved food so…… Of course it was good.

Then of course it was “THE WEDDING”  I can’t believe my little (all 6foot3 of him) got married.  He and his friends scrubbed up pretty good. Who knew that those boys could look that smart.  His wife looked STUNNING but then I expected no different she really is beautiful.  The wedding was fantastic, very simple décor, white roses for flower, all very tasteful.  I will post photo’s as soon as I have had them developed (or stolen some from somebody else).  Yes, I said developed – I took them on my film camera (so retro I know) but I enjoy using it and sometimes think the photo’s come out better.  But then I do have a really crap digital camera. 

Well I guess that is all from me for now – except to say that I am going to head straight to bed when I get home.  Mr OL is very good about sharing although this time I wish he had been a bit more selfish – he seems t have given me his cold!!!

Posted in Ocean Racing Series, Ordinarylife, Pregnancy, Swimming, Wetsuit

Need motivation

I am trying to motivate myself to go for a swim after work!  I have not been in so long, I find it very difficult if I don’t have a goal in mind.  Something like Ironman where I have a program that I stick to and an outcome!  I battle just to get in the pool and swim (or run for that matter).  Not that I don’t like it.  I really do, but I need that motivation. 

Just saying it will be good for the baby or I will retain my fitness better is not enough, although maybe for now it is going to have to be!  Urgh!!!!  Positive thoughts.  

I love swimming, I love swimming, I love swimming. 

One thing to motivate me is that the Ocean Race Series starts again next month and I would atleast like to be able to do the shorter swims.  One slight problem is that I only really like swimming in the sea in my wetsuit, and well…… I don’t think it is going to fit!

Posted in Cycling, hiking, Ironman, Morning Sickness, Ordinarylife, Pregnancy, Running, Swimming, Training, Triathlon, Wetsuit, Whale Trail, Women

Exercise and Pregnancy.

I decided to do a post about exercising and pregnancy.  Now as a disclaimer before I write I want to reiterate that I am NOT medically qualified.  Do NOT take what I write as the only way to do things and most importantly before starting (or continuing) an exercise program when pregnant CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR!!! 

That said: 

Mr OL and I decided that we would start trying to have a baby after we had been married a year – which was in August 2008.  I was quite into triathlons and running was worried that if I fell pregnant I would need to stop doing this.  So I started looking online for examples of people who had run through their pregnancy, what their experiences were and how long they were able to keep running.  I also spoke to a number of running friends and found out about their experiences. 

I also found some blogs of girls that were triathletes and moms and read what they had done.  Some good examples that I found were Bree Wee, Mama Simmons and Rachel’s blog, Run like a MotherBree Wee is a professional triathlete and her blog is very informative (and fun to read).  Mama Simmon’s has a few links to girls that were pregnant at the same time as her and continuted running.  I also went onto various forums to see what else I could find out.  In the mean time I started training for Ironman South Africa (and hoped to hell I did not fall pregnant as it grew closer and closer to the race).  Luckily I am good at counting so odds were against it. 

After IM we all know what happened.  One of the first things one of MR OL’s friends said to me was “now you have to stop all that nonsense.”  Cough, cough uhhh ‘scuse me!!!  No I don’t.  Just because I am pregnant does not mean that need to stop anything.  I bought James Clapp’s book “Exercising through your pregnancy” and started reading. 

Here is what I found out (remember that this is only my interpretation of what I have read).  Running is fine, swimming is fine, dancing is fine (except I have no rhythm and being pregnant is not going to help), aerobics is fine (except see previous post), cycling is fine and so is pretty much everything else with moderation.  With the exception of deep sea diving and high altitudes if you don’t already live up there.  Cycling is also not advised as your pregnancy progresses but just because your centre of balance is off and you might fall (or I might fall as I wobble a bit anyway). 

You can carry on running (or whatever) right through your pregnancy – with the consent of your doctor.  However if it is a low risk, normal pregnancy there should be no problems.  Obviously doing a marathon at high speed is not advised.  But your normal jog around the block(s) is actually recommended.  That old rule of not getting your heart rate above 140 has gone out the window.  Now it is recommend that you go on Rate of Perceived Exertion.  Moderate to moderate/hard is recommend.  Basically you should be able to hold a conversation (with a bit of puffing).  Just as well that HR thing went out the window, mine gets up there just buy walking around the block (I have a high HR what can I say). 

Now to the interesting things I found out while reading James Clapp’s book.  People who exercised throughout their pregnancy picked up less weight, delivered babies that had a lower fat percentage (but were the same size atomically) and were less likely to deliver late.  There were no instances were exercise had caused a baby to be born prematurely or that exercising had caused any other problems.  In fact babies of mothers who exercised were more able to cope with trauma’s during pregnancy like dehydration or hemorrhaging because the placenta was better developed.  The most interesting fact that I picked up though was of mothers who had exercised then stopped in the 3rd trimester.  Their weight caught up to and sometimes exceeded the mothers that had not exercised at all.  Their babies were quite a bit fatter and they were more likely to deliver late.  It seems to me that either exercise or don’t – but don’t’ stop ½ way!!! 

He also found that exercising moms coped better with labour, but that it did not affect duration. 

The risks people associate with exercising are that the baby will overheat or that when you exercise your blood flows away from your internal organs.  Apparently your body is designed to cope with these and protects the baby.  It appears from their research that exercising moms are more able to cope with heat than non exercising (benefit to me seeing as I will be pregnant in summer) and that yes, the blood does flow away from the internal organs including the womb, but in exercising moms the placenta is better developed, the babies heart rate also increases but not dangerously so, and the baby slows down its movement while you are exercising as if to conserve energy.  From all their tests there were not instances where this caused trauma or distress to the baby. 

Obviously there are quite a few exercises and conditions in which you should not exercise, like in excessive heat or that yoga done in a hot room and stuff like that.  You also need to make sure that you don’t dehydrate (good advice for any athlete).   Also if you are a competitive athlete you will need to cut back, but for the general recreational athlete, in consultation with her doctor it seems as if running (or jumping up and down in an aerobics room) is fine.  They do recommend that towards the end you use some support of some kind because the reason most women stop is comfort.  

Now my personal experience: I was running up till 6 weeks, in fact the morning I found out I had been for a 10km run and felt great.  However the next week morning sickness hit and I just did not feel like running or doing much of anything.  So I stopped.  I have since been walking quite a bit, including a 55km 5 day hike and been for a few shorter slow runs.  I feel a lot better now and am missing it a lot.  I will start again slowly and have set myself a goal (I don’t function without them).  As far as cycling goes – I stopped the day I found out.  I don’t want to take the chance.  I am not the best cyclist and although I have not fallen a lot, I have fallen so with my balance off it would be too risky.  I might get on the stationary bike at the gym when it gets too hot to run outside.  I also can’t wait for the weekly sea swims to start again but am worried that I won’t fit into my wetsuit.  I HATE cold water.  I am going to try and run/swim for as long as I can.  Hopefully throughout my entire pregnancy.  I will let you know how it goes. 

As for my goal – it is a triathlon 2 months after the baby is born.  It is a very short one – even shorter than a sprint.  I will see how I feel (I might not want to sit on my bike just yet). 

There is so much more that I could write and probably should, but for now I am going to stop there.  If you have any questions please feel free to ask ….. your doctor!!  Or me if you want.

If you are pregnant and want to know more I would seriously recommend reading Bree Wee’s blog about when she was pregant and what she did.  Her child is now 3.

Posted in Cycling, East London, Ironman, Ordinarylife, South Africa, Sunshine Coast Triathlon, Swimming, Training, Triathlon, Wetsuit

I am NOT walking!

I finally found the photo’s from the Sunshine Coast Triathlon.  I knew they had been taken by Rob Pollock Photography but up until now they had nothing on their site.  I also knew that they were up in a shopping centre in East London, a little bit too far just to look at photos.  But, woo hoo they are now online. Well it was woo hoo until I found the photos of me!!!


Why is it that I do my best time ever in a 10km EVER and yet in the photo’s it looks like I am walking!!!!  I was not walking, I promise.


Also why is it that I just look like crap in all my “action” shots!  I will never be that cute little girl that looks hot while competing.  I will always be that girl that just looks hot (as in about to die from heat exhaustion) while competing.


This is the first photo of me on my bike, I am pretty happy with it.  At least it looks like I am going forwards.

3rd Girl!
3rd Girl out the water!
I am NOT walking - dammit!
I am NOT walking - dammit!
So I might be freewheeling??
So I might be freewheeling??
The finish line!
The finish line!
It’s funny, these photo’s are taken by a Pollock, because lately the way most people seem to have stumbled onto my site is because of that post I did about the Jackson Pollock picture our art class was inspired by.
Posted in Cycling, Ironman, Ordinarylife, Port Elizabeth, Running, Shark Rock Pier, South Africa, Swimming, Training, Triathlon, Wetsuit

This is my goal!

I am lacking motivation to blog at the moment.  Infact I think I am lacking motivation to do anything at the moment.  That is anything besides Ironman related stuff.  I said I was not going to let this take over my life but at the moment it is all I can think about! 


26 DAYS!!!!  Woo Hoo.


So please excuse me if this blog is a bit lack luster for the next month or so.


Training is tapering and excitement is growing……


I am already beginning to think of the transition bags, what to put in them, what to put in my special needs bags etc.  Actually who am I kidding, I am not “beginning” to think about it.  I have thought about it A LOT.


I will write a list later, just on the off chance that anybody is interested in what will keep me going on the day.


I have also begun to think about my goals. What time would I like to do?  I had one time in my mind when I started training for this year, but am readjusting it as my training has gone on.  I am just worried that I am putting too much pressure on myself.  Maybe I should keep my goal at what I originally set out to achieve.


Goal number one is obviously to finish – you never know what can happen on the day!  Then the initial time I wanted to do it in was 15 hours 30 minutes. 


But now………… I don’t know, should I leave my goal there, or move it.  Challenge myself a bit more.  The only problem then is if I don’t make my new goal I might be disappointed.  Or I might push myself to hard and bomb out totally.


Let me just write it down


New goal – when I am feeling optimistic


Swim – 1h30

Transition 1 – 15minutes  (these should not be this long, but it gives me time to play with)

Bike – 7 hours  (averaging at +/-26km/h)

Transition 2 – 15 minutes

Run – 5h30


This gives me a total of 14h30…………  So, I guess it is official (now that I have written it down).  I want to finish Ironman South Africa in under 14 and a half hours.  Unrealistic – I hope not!

Posted in Family, Ordinarylife, Swimming, Training, Triathlon, weather, Wetsuit, Women

She is a nut!

I have decided that I might just be the sane one in my family after all! 


I got an email from my sister today saying that she is thinking of swimming the English Channel next year!  Now I am sorry, that is just plain madness.  It is not so much that you have to swim at least 31 kilometers depending on the tides and stuff but you have to do it without a wetsuit – and that water is cold!  Flippen cold!!!!


I like open water swimming, in fact I am a big fan of open water swimming but I need my wetsuit!  For some reason it is like my safety blanket.  I feel protected in it.  I don’t think I can actually swim in the sea without it!  Well, I know I can as I did my first season of triathlon without one, but now I don’t want to.


I like the buoyancy, the warmth and the protection from stingy things it gives me.  I know it is not going to help much with the larger bitey things (for that I’ll just have to keep my eyes closed) but I feel safe(ish).


So, all in all I have decided my sister is mad!  Her email to the family did send my husband into a panic though.  He apparently mailed her back and asked what the heck she was doing to him?  Just shows what he thinks of me!  Thinking I would want to join her, although in truth my first response had been “Can I join you” but sanity prevailed and I deleted that and wrote back – “That sounds awesome, good luck”

Posted in Hobie Beach, Ironman, Ocean Racing Series, Ordinarylife, Port Elizabeth, Shark Rock Pier, Swimming, Training, Wetsuit

Global warming, I think not?????

On Sunday it is the first swim of the Ocean Racing Series!!  I have been waiting for this for – well since the end of the last series in March. 


There is only one little problem – the weather forecast!!!  Where the heck is global warming????  It is October and supposed to be spring going into summer and it looks like this – maximum 19!  Surely that can’t be right???


Let’s hope they have it wrong (quite possible) and it turns out to be a beautiful day.  I am holding thumbs



Sunday, 05 October 20085 October 2008


Min Temp:


Max Temp:



Partly cloudy.


light southerly but fresh easterly in the afternoon



Sun Rise:


Sun Set:


Moon Rise:


Moon Set:


Moon Phase: