Posted in Ordinarylife, South Africa

A confession….

I have a very shameful secret… 


One I am soooo embarrassed to admit.  I can’t actually believe that I am going to write about it.  But I suppose if you are going to admit something like this, then where better than on your blog.


I of course had to tell my husband first, I could not let something like this get out in public without giving him fair warning.  But it turns out he had an idea anyway.  I suppose it is quite difficult to hide something like this from the person you live with.  I guess the humming along and the turning the volume up on the TV kind of gave it away….


Oh the humiliation – please don’t tell anybody else but I am a HUGE fan of Robbie.  And we are not talking Robbie Williams here (that I am a fan of him is NO secret).  I am talking about Robbie Wessels……


Ok, I will admit it – I am a fan of Robbie Wessels.  Ever since I first saw the Leeuloop video while standing in Pick n’ Pay Hypermarket I have been hooked.  And now the Vodacom advert – Player 23!


Not sure what it is about him?  Maybe it is his catching lyrics or the way he moves but I just can’t help myself. 


Thank fully it is not that bad that I have actually gone out and bought a CD or anything, but still – the shame of it…..



13 thoughts on “A confession….

  1. That’s fine.
    I thought it was something REALLY bad like an admission that you like Sicky Dion.
    But thankfully, there’s no chance of that. So we’ll allow you Mr Wessels, as long as this goes no further.

  2. Shayne – so I am not alone, and here I thought I would be a total outcast. I can’t say that I know the actions though (yet)
    6000 – good grief no!!! And I promise, it stops right here!

  3. Lynette – I know, that is what makes it so bad….. But I really just can’t help myself – maybe it is because i don’t actually know what the words mean ( just joking )

    Charisa – He is a South African entertainer who sings and performs mostly in Afrikaans. He has been in a few local movies (comedies) and TV adverts. He is pretty funny, but you would need to understand the language to get it.

  4. HS – sad but true….
    Lynette – I have never actually tried to “leeu loop” I just laugh at the video. And offensive and “common”, all part of his charm. Actually I like people that can laugh at themselves and I feel that this is exactly what he does. He knows what he is good at and goes with it. He is not trying to be the best singer or the “hottest” guy, he just entertains. And I think it is great.

  5. Firefly – I think there are a few more out there, they are just not admitting to it.
    Hanlie – thanks, a true friend!

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